Sky Millz Takes on Calgary Alberta

My move to Calgary was less than a year ago and I already feel like I’ve experienced more in this city than I ever thought possible. I feel incredibly lucky to be involved in so many events and opportunities around town, and I have a beautiful network of supportive friends to thank for that.

Concertsocks at Shambhala.jpg

Practicing my “Blue Steel” Look to Concertsocks at the Pagoda.

Calgary is very much a small town in a big city, opportunities are born out of personal relationships. Those relationships lead me to work directly with companies such as PK Sound at Shambhala, produce events for BassBus, manage speaker events with AEM Con, set up epic installations with Big Art, tech on stage with Cirque de la Nuit, and co-managing the DoYu record label.

Baran and Riley, Photo by Leigh-Anne Hazard at Circle Fest

Pictured here, some professional radio work between Baran and I at Circle Fest.

My original focus when I moved to Calgary was to soak up as many opportunities to get involved as I could, like the bright eye’d bushy tailed country boy sponge I was. Upon review, I think I was super successful in that effort. I did see diminishing returns on my effort to work on music though which was an unfortunate side effect of my constant hunger for more work. I have however met some incredibly talented individuals in the music game that absolutely blow me away with how efficient and consistent their output of music is.

One case being Smol, aka Adam, who is so productive I can only assume he somehow has access to one of those time turner watches from Harry Potter. The dude has a full-time job, is capable of cooking a crazy meal every day that would put your local 5-star spot to shame, teaches music lessons full time, performs, and his music output is untouchable. I feel lucky enough to work with this guy every day, dude sits as a motivator and role model for more than just me in the production scene.

adam smol at hifi club for doyu in bloom

Boss mon Smol below casting dirty dubstep spells on the crowd during out In Bloom HiFi residency launch.

So far January 2020 has felt been a month jam-packed with events and I’m so keen to keep the productive train going. As my 2-month gym challenge/bet with my boss comes to a close, I plan to take a crack at @Curtis.Media and @cvcine’s upcoming 30 daily challenge. Now while the 30 dailies have been predominantly a video editing challenge, I’d like to help create a musical branch of the dailies challenge inspired by the EDMProd 30-day loop challenge. Where I’ll be doing my best to produce a simple lofi loop every day for 30 days starting Feb 1st, 2020. It’s extremely out of my comfort zone to put out so much content so quickly, so wish me luck, fingers crossed I don’t crash and burn :P

- Millz

Big Art at Beakerhead

The stargate I helped build (aka The Portal) designed by Paul at Big Art Calgary.